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Influencer Strategy
Part A
Goal/Results I want to achieve:
I desire to guide my school in creating authentic learning environments by using technology and a blended learning model to promote self-directed learning while giving students choice, ownership, and voice to promote collaboration and exploration.
Mentor teachers and administrators will conduct informal observations of blended learning units to evaluate the advancement in student-centered learning and engagement.
Teachers and mentor teachers will evaluate student progress using a rubric.
Students will offer feedback on their experiences within a blended learning environment.
Vital Behaviors:
Content developers and teachers will convene biweekly to exchange ideas, engage in brainstorming sessions, and collaborate on content creation for the program.
Content developers and teachers will convene monthly with the administration and their peers to exchange feedback and discuss the input received from students.
Teachers will provide time for students to self-select topics to explore through online learning.
What Influences Vital Behaviors?
Notice the obvious:
Collaboration and communication serve as conduits for deeper learning among staff, allowing for reflection on new insights and weekly setbacks. Self-reflection is crucial for growth from positive influences, and seeking advice from seasoned teachers provides valuable direction.
Look for crucial moments:
Our district periodically distributes surveys to gather feedback on experiences, and I've replicated this process with my students. However, the issue arises when this feedback is not acted upon. It's crucial to recognize the importance of this feedback and utilize it to make immediate improvements to the program, rather than relegating it to a future "to-do" list.
Learn from positive deviants:
Students can positively influence their classmates while also enhancing my learning experience. Through group collaboration and individual exploration, students can contribute fresh ideas born from self-reflection. I am optimistic about discovering new ideas and gaining inspiration from students and peers with diverse experiences.
Spot culture busters:
Innovation is a topic that garners universal interest and is widely acknowledged as a beneficial achievement with significant advantages. However, when faced with implementation challenges, it's easy to fall back into detrimental habits that foster a negative culture. Introducing practices that require teachers to allow students greater autonomy in their learning necessitates a departmental and eventual school-wide shift in teaching methods, as well as in the measurement and tracking of learning. Cohorts will conduct feedback sessions to exchange experiences and forward-looking insights, further promoting a substantial learning environment rooted in both support and commendation. My essential behaviors are founded on utilizing newly established habits and meetings to reinforce a fresh learning culture and cultivate relevant real-world skills for our students, thereby dismantling the old culture and effecting positive change within my district.
Organization Influencers:
Assistant principals
Mentor teachers
Department Chairs
Curriculum Director