Image created by Rose Rayner using Copilot 2024

Implementation outline

Project Title: Blended Learning Initiative 

Project Description: Establish a blended learning environment based on personalization and student choice

Project Goals: Establish a culture of student-centered learning and inspire students to become independent thinkers

Partnerships: Collaborate with technology, principal, administration, and 4th-grade teachers and paraprofessionals to ensure effectiveness and best practices.

Project Components:

Phase 1: Months 1-2

  • Research

    • Complete Literature review on Blended Learning in Elementary Schools 

    • Determine opportunities to promote student choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning (COVA) (Harapnuik, 2018) while implementing blended learning in the classroom

    • Review Case Studies for Blended Learning

  • Proposal

    • Share the innovation proposal with the principal for approval

    • Create Blended Learning goals 

    • Create ePortfolio to help with communicating with the principal, administration, and stakeholders

Phase 2: Months 3-6

  • Planning

    • Discuss blended learning with other teachers and see if anyone else is interested in trying to implement it in their class as well

    • Share all documentation to ePortfolio as we progress

    • Create time for teachers to share experiences and ideas

    • Identify what academic needs the program will address

    • Set measurable goals

    • Identify content to meet the needs of the program

    • Identify what content the district already has that can be utilized 

    • Determine how content will be acquired if any is needed

    • Make an outline/plan for station rotation ideas

  • Professional Development

    • Professional development on how blended learning works and how to incorporate it in the classroom

    • Professional development on all content being used 

    • Work on a new schedule for next semester to start the blended learning program 

    • Identify data to be collected

Phase 3: Months 7-11

  • Start Program 

  • Blended learning lessons start

  • Continue professional development throughout the program

  • Continue to share documents on ePortfolio

  • Progress Check

    • Continue blended learning and station rotations

    • Continue professional development-discuss what is and is not working

    • Review progress towards meeting school goals

    • Analyze data and modify instruction or rotation tables

    • Model and share best teaching practices

    • Continue to share documents of ePortfolio

Phase 4: Month 12-13 

  • Results & Next Steps

    • Evaluate progress

    • Check the status of goals met

    • Meet with staff to discuss findings and data

    • Address new goals for the next school year

    • Discuss others willing to participate in the ongoing project for the new school year

    • Make sure everything is uploaded to ePortfolio

  • Progress Check (start of new school year)

    • Meet with all staff, paraprofessionals, and administrators participating in the program and review new goals for the new school year

    • Review subjects and content that need to be addressed 

    • Go over all programs being used

    • Review what blended learning is and what it looks like for new participants

    • Outline/station rotation plan

    • Training in all programs and over what station rotation looks like and how it will help us meet our goals

    • Schedule routine meetings for the school year to check data and for professional development

Phase 5: Months 14-17

  • Progress Check

    • Meet and check progress with data

    • Have teachers check with students regarding what they like and what they don’t like about the blended learning environment and get suggestions on what they would like to see different

    • Check with teachers and find out what is and is not working 

    • Make any necessary changes to ensure proper alignment of the program 

    • Adjust station rotations to meet students’ needs, ensure engagement, and COVA

    • Continue professional development/training

    • Add- all documents to ePortfolio

Phase 6: Months 18-24 

  • Progress Check

    • Continue to add documents to ePortfolio

    • Continue professional development/training

    • Progress check and check data 

    • Check with students on COVA and learning experiences

    • Have a meeting to check with teachers to go over suggestions they might have on revisions and adjustments

Phase 7: Months 22-24

  • Results & next steps 

    • Record all data 

    • Continue professional development and training

    • Create a spreadsheet with all findings, data, student involvement/success, and teacher findings

    • Add all documentation and findings to ePortfolio

    • Deliver data to the principal and administration

    • Determine if the blended learning with student rotation should continue implementation with revisions and adjustments based on data

    • Determine if blended learning with student rotation should be moved to incorporating it in all grade levels at my campus for more data and student success


The blended learning model empowers elementary students to take ownership of their learning by using technology and embracing COVA to close the learning gaps in education.


Harapnuik, D., Thibodeaux, T., Cummings, C. (2018). Choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning [eBook]. Creative Commons License.